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| · Importance of Writing in Scientific Publications Antezana Soria Galvarro, Marlene L.
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| · Intralesional Application of Antimonials in the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Rojas Cabrera, Ernesto; Guzman-Rivero, Miguel; Verduguez-Orellana, Aleida; Córdova Rojas, Marisol; Aranibar Aguilar, Grover; Campos, Marco Antonio; Campero Lino, Edgar
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| · Antioxidant, antibacterial and cytostatic activity of extracts of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Omonte Rodriguez, Liz Adriana; Bustamante Garcia, Zulema
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| · Ecological Study of Bolivian Households and their Relationship with COVID-19, Management 2020 Villca Villegas, Jose Luis; Condori Salluco, Nelson Franco; Alarcon Arteaga, Andrea
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| · Experience in Partial Nephrectomy and Enucleation of Laparoscopic Renal Tumor "Zero ischemia", in Cochabamba, Bolivia Vargas-Rocha, Vladimir E.; Freire Guffanti, Juan Carlos; Segales-Rojas, Patricia
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| · Post-vaccination Anti SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Cochabamba, Bolivia Limachi Choque, Jhonny Wilson; Verduguez-Orellana, Aleida
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| · Autologous Femoral Calcar Graft as a Buttress for Arthroplasty in Lateral hip Fractures Ruilova Sanchez, Julio Cesar; Peredo Lazarte, Andres
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| · Risk Factors Influencing Morbidity and Mortality of Patients with COVID-19 Pahuasi Pardo, David; Villca Villegas, Jose Luis
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| · Scientific Production of the Thesis Advisors of the Faculties of Human Medicine in Peru Mejia, Christian R.; Mamani-Benito, Oscar Javier; Condori Loayza, Samuel; Tito-Betancur, Madona; Ramos Vilca, Glubert; Torres, Renato R.
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| · Pathophysiological Description of Cutaneous Desquamation by Staphylococcal Exfoliative Toxins, A New Approach to Differential Diagnosis Meneses Zurita, Gilbert; Miranda Bustamante, Alison
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| · The evolution in anatomical studies in Venezuela during the nineteenth century Romero Reverón, Rafael
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| · Amyand's Hernia, Surgical Management for an Infrequent Diagnosis Vrsalovic Muller, Natascha; Aviles Cozzi, Adriana Veronica; Ortiz Aparicio, Freddy Miguel
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| · Autosomal Dominant Inheritance Associated Congenital Anonychia Congenita - Cooks Syndrome Teran, Carlos G.; Diaz Florez, Melissa A.; Grandy, Giuseppe
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| · Abdominal Ectopic Pregnancy Crespo Hinojosa, Henry Alfredo
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| · Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis of Dental Origin Rayza Stefany, Alejandro-Ibañez; Rommer Alex, Ortega-Martínez
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| · Leriche Syndrome: Underdiagnosis in Peripheral Artery Disease Azañero-Haro, Johan
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| · Fructose-1,6 Bisphosphatase Deficiency: Cause of Severe Hypoglycemia in Young Adults Theran Leon, Juan Sebastian; Esteban Badillo, Laura Yibeth; Dulcey Sarmiento, Luis Andrés; Reina Mejia, Sergio David
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| · Left Carotid Glomus Romero Ledezma, Karla Pamela; Zenzano Ferrufino, Fernando
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| · The seasonal profile of the COVID-19 pandemic; a prospective planning opportunity in Bolivia Mamani Ortiz, Yercin
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