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| · Teaching assistance integration Sánchez López, José Edmundo
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Original Article |
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| · Sociodemographic factors associated with malnutrition in elderly people from Cochabamba, Bolivia Mamani Ortiz, Yercin; Illanes Velarde, Daniel Elving; Luizaga López, Jenny Marcela
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| · The Learning Based on Problems in the rotary boarding school of the Univalle Hospital Medicine career Ortega Martinez, Rommer Alex; Navarro Vasquez, Mónica; Aramayo Rios, Carla
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| · Influence of academic stress perceived, on the quality of oral microbiota and salivary pH Zeballos Claros, Sabrina Antonella; Siles Rocío, Inés; Siles Guardia, Jazmín
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| · Implementation of a communication model in Chagas based on the peer education strategy Pardo Flores, Evelyn Wendy; Billot, Claire; Mendoza Claure, Nilce; Claros Zanabria, Eliana; Torrico, Faustino; Lozano Beltrán, Daniel Franz
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| · Correlation and concordance of circunference waist and waist to height index with body mass index Villca Villegas, Jose Luis; Chavez-Soliz, Helem Rocio; Mamani Ortiz, Yercin; Arévalo Gonzales, Mary Rossana
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| · Inequalities in children’s nutritional epidemiology from Cochabamba: ten years after of Multisectoral Zero Malnutrition Program Implementation
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| · Outpatient neurological assistance demand in a private consultation center of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Camargo Villarreal, Walter Mario; Gonzales, Marcia Andrea; Crespo Gómez, Elizabeth Blanca; Wagner-Manslau Villar, Enrique Fernando; Mendizabal Ritter, Daniela; Ochoa Torrico, Laura Alejandra
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| · Clinical-radiological evaluation in transtrocanteric hip fractures treated with DHS system Peredo Lazarte, Andres
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| · Sexual and reproductive behavior during adolescence of students of the San Simon University Velásquez Garcia, Norah; Rojas Delgadillo, Licet Gimena; Rojas Delgadillo, Liz Guisela; Lozano Beltrán, Daniel Franz; Torrico, Faustino
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| · Cytomegalovirus retinal necrosis: as initial presentation of AIDS Quispaya Q., Rolando; Fernandez M., Paola
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| · Importance of diagnostic coronary arteries testing in asymptomatic myocardial ischemia Win Lei, Yadanar; Jaldin, Juan Pablo
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| · Importance of diagnostic coronary arteries testing in asymptomatic myocardial ischemia
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| · Fetal cystic hygroma Alegre Andrade, Patricia; Toko Chavez, Marcelo; Cary Cruz, Noelia Daniela
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| · Crusted scabies in a diabetic patient Aracena Toborga, Janett; Antezana Llaveta, Gabriela; Vargas Baspineiro, Enzo Saul
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| · Novo multifocal giant regression return liposarcoma Lopez Ovando, Micaela; Lopez Ovando, Nicol; Ferrufino Navia, Gilberto; Ferrufino Iriarte, Javier
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| · Fetus papyraceus in twin pregnancy obtained by cesarean Alegre Andrade, Patricia; Toko Chavez, Marcelo
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| · Massive panniculectomy, a functional surgery for patients with panniculus morbidus Arciénega Llano, Eligio Rolando; Ovando Arciénega, Diego Israel; Soliz Alconz, Hazel Vivian; Arispe Siles, Alberto Carlos
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| · Blastocystis sp. Update on your parasitic role Bastidas, Gilberto; Malave, Carlos; Bastidas, Daniel
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| · Laboratory diagnostic alternatives for the detection of Influenza virus Angulo Valdivia, Cecilia; Torrico Villarroel, Nattaly Grecia
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| · Gastos de salud según el tipo de seguro y la edad previa a la implementación de la cobertura universal de salud en Bolivia Jaldin, Juan Pablo; Arce Cardozo, Rodrigo K.; Lourdes Pormento, Maria Kezia
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| · Health Expenditure based on Insurance type and age prior to Implementation of universal health coverage in Bolivia Jaldin, Juan Pablo; Arce Cardozo, Rodrigo K.; Lourdes Pormento, Maria Kezia
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| · Beginning a culture in seedbeds of research Chavez-Soliz, Helem Rocio
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| · Didactic model for teaching the methodology of scientific research Claure, José
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| · About the low prevalence of tobacco use in public transport drivers in Cochabamba, Bolivia Mamani Ortiz, Yercin; Abasto Gonzales, Deiby Susan
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| · Rectification of the Original Article entitled: Strengthening tactics for the prevention of cervical cancer through vaccination against human papillomavirus from August 2017 to March 2018 Aquino Rojas, Evelin
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| · Computed Tomography Diagnosed Retropharyngeal Abscess Herbas Bernal, Rene Igoor; Vasquez Ortuño, Maria Gabriela
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