Scientific Articles |
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| · Sources of referentiality for meaning, clues to address the complexity of reception Guardia Crespo, Marcelo
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| · Culture, social and identity in the Toch Alemán Andrade, Andrea; Jiménez Sánchez, Camila Julieta
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| · Opinion microdynamics around the #RayoEvolizador hashtag on Twitter Ojeda Copa, Alex; Peredo Rodríguez, Valeria
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| · Educational uses of social networks, beyond the exchange of information: Practices of teachers and students for the construction of virtual learning environments at the Bolivian Catholic University of Cochabamba Rojas Cáceres, Yvonne
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| · Neurostimulation? An instance of miscommunication between Neuroscience and Education Doardi, Davide
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| · TEMORES Y ESPERANZAS DE LA POLÍTICA EN REDES SOCIALES: Comentario al libro LA VIDA POLITICA DEL MEME - Interacciones digitales en Facebook en una coyuntura crítica - de Maria Teresa Zegada y Marcelo Guardia Andrade Ruiz, Fernando
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