| Table of contents Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. vol.63 no.2 La Paz Dec. 2022 Press Release | | | |
EDITORIAL | | | | · Comprehensive medical education one of the fundamental pillars in medicine Vera Carrasco, Oscar
| | | ORIGINAL ARTICLES | | | | · Internet access in times of pandemic Choque-Carrillo, Germán; Mita-Kille, Silvia E; Barrantes-Costas, Juan C; Medrano-Barreda, Juan C; Peñaranda-Méndez, Javier
| | | | · Factors related to COVID 19 mortality, hospital la portada, La Paz - Bolivia, 2020 Alejo-Pocoma, Jimmy L; Cruz-Guisbert, Richard; Tamayo-Caballero, Carlos; Gonzales-Ríos, Yolanda L.; Aguirre, Vicente
| | | | · Relationship between food security at home and body composition of school sportsmen of the sport schools of the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz, 2020 Fuentes-Sapiencia, Diego J; Paye-Huanca, Erick O; Philco-Lima, Patricia
| | | | · Self-care practices when buying grocery and frequency of food consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic of families in the city of La Paz and El Alto, 2021 Paye-Huanca, Erick O; Espejo-Choquetarqui, María G
| | | | · Seroprevalence, SARS-COV-2 clinical characteristics and ABO system in 85 high-altitude resident volunteers. La Paz, Bolivia Suxo-Tejada, Marlene I; Medrano-Barreda, Juan C; Mita-Kille, Silvia E; Barrantes-Costas, Juan C; Chambi-Gutiérrez, Edgard; Saavedra-Iporre, Gabriela; Chávez-Pérez, Nelson; Francia-Peñaloza, Verónica; Ala-Ala, Norah; Philco-Lima, Patricia
| | | CLINICAL CASES | | | | · Case report: cerebral thrombosis in pregnancy Lopez-Quispe, Russo A; Mita-Vino, Adrian M; Choque-Ramos, Joel R; Chambilla-Ylimuri, Naomi; Tarifa-Villavicencio, Gemma B; Paz-Maydana, Helen
| | | | · Chromaffin cell tumor: Pheochromocytoma Siacar-Bacarreza, Sandra; Mamani-Antonio, Adolfo; Burgoa- Vargas, Javier; Saldaña-Imaña, Marcos; Tarqui-Callisaya, Carla; Ali-Poma, Mirza; Sandi-Ossio, Javier
| | | UPGRADE | | | | · Adjustment of the PAO2/FIO2 ratio or ratio to barometric pressure in the city of La Paz 3600 MASL Vera Carrasco, Oscar
| | | CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION | | | | · Proposal fora curricular redesign based on competencies for the Medicine career of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés 2023 Vera-Carrasco, Oscar
| | | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARIES | | | | | | | HISTORY OF MEDICINE | | | | · Pirogov, Bekhterev, slavic anatomists Part I Campohermoso-Rodríguez, Omar F; Soliz-Soliz, Ruddy E; Campohermoso-Rodríguez, Omar; Cavero-M, José L
| | | MISCELÁNEAS | | | | · The doctor-patient relationship Sequeiros-Guerra, Roberto; Mamani-Chávez, Sol M
| | | | · Quality of measurementin scientific research in a high-altitude context: at the atomic level interlaboratory study analysis, Deuterium Oxide by FTIR - 2021 San Miguel-Simbrón, José L; Muñoz-Vera, Maruska; Urteaga-Mamani, Noelia A
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