Revista Boliviana de Química
versión On-line ISSN 0250-5460
BRAVO, José A. Coronavirus, covid-19, preventing the spreading of viruses is easier than we think; biosafety protocols, guide for the reopening of the country and for reducing the risk of reactivation of the spreading. Rev. Bol. Quim [online]. 2020, vol.37, n.2, pp.94-130. ISSN 0250-5460.
Abstract Since March the 16th, 2020, Bolivia is under quarantine in order to slow down the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic viral disease. The attempts to achieve this goal have been diverse and have produced somehow favorable effects. Nonetheless, the end of the contagion is still out of scope. In agreement with the development of the expansión of the viral disease in the world, it currently becomes more real the possibility of adding the character of endemic to the viral pandemic. A date for the formulation of vaccines and antiviral drugs for the different stages of the sickness, remains still uncertain. We have collected information of the development of the virus all over the world, and we have approached the virus from a scientific stand point, characterizing its physicochemical properties from bibliography sources, in order to know how to react face to the infection patterns, particularly in Bolivia. We have noted among people, the lack of knowledge on the virus nature with a consequent misunderstanding of the appropriate social conduct to prevent the viral contagion. Scientific misinformation through the media and social network have provoked social paranoia and mistaken conducís throughout the world. After concluding about the real dimension of the biological threat for the society, we have proposed biosafety protocols for various social environments; we warranty the effectiveness of these conduct advises. This article should provide security for the reopening of the country in the midst of an endemic viral infection, with the consequent return to economic activities without exclusion, education and public health and its recovery to normal levels.
Palabras clave : Coronavirus; COVID-19; Prevention, Pandemia; Quarantine, Biosafety; Protocols; Reopening; Reactivation; Reducing; Spreading.