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Publication ofFacultad de Medicina de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón
Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662


The Bolivian Medical Gazette is the official journal of scientific diffusion of the Major University of San Simon Medical School, it contributes to the socialization of new knowledge and scientific advance in the health area, satisfying international criteria and standards of a scientific journal, promoting and supporting the production of professional and researchers in the national and international ambit is the official organ scientific dissemination of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Mayor de San Simon, was one of the first scientific journals of Bolivia. Since its establishment in April 1943, has been an important means for the exchange of knowledge among medical scientists in the country. Publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor, and others related to the field of medicine and its specialties, and other topics of interest. Aimed at health professionals and medical students and physicians in training.


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