| Table of contents RIIARn vol.9 no.3 La Paz Dec. 2022 Press Release | | | |
FOREWORD | | | | · Prólogo Manzaneda Delgado, Fernando
| | | PRESENTATION | | | | · Presentación Callizaya Mamani, Isidro
| | | ORIGINAL ARTICLES | | | | · Evaluation of the nutritional quality of the different wheat ecotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) in inter-andean valleys of the department of La Paz Ticona Quispe, Hector; Céspedes Paredes, Rolando; Chipana Mendoza, Gladys J.
| | | | · Selection and agronomic evaluation in Saiwa and Last'a morphotypes of qañawa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) Bonifacio-Callisaya, Mariel; Bonifacio-Flores, Alejandro
| | | | · Evaluation of the type of container for greenhouse acclimatization of in vitro propagated cassava seedlings Rodríguez-Henao, Eberto; Garavito-Morales, Lina Vanessa; Puentes-Díaz, Carol Liliana; Rozo-Leguizamón, Yanine; Aguilera-Arango, Germán Andrés
| | | | · Hydropriming and liquid fertilizer of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the increase of germination and root growth in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) and cañahua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) sedes Chipana Mendoza, Gladys J.
| | | | · Technical-economic analysis of the Theobroma Cacao L. production system in the department of Sucre, Colombia Martínez Reina, Antonio María; Grandett Martínez, Liliana María; Novoa Yanez, Rafael Segundo; Martínez Atencia, Judith del Carmen; Contreras Santos, Jose Luis; Berrio Guzman, Emel Enrique
| | | | · Phenology and effect of light intensity on germination in vitro of Masdevallia solomonii (Orchidaceae) Mamani Sánchez, Beatriz; Pacheco Acosta, Luis; Quezada Portugal, Jorge Angel Nicolas
| | | | · Textile quality of the llamas (Lama glama) descerdated fiber in a humid ecological floor Apaza Zúñiga, Edgar; Olarte Daza, Ceferino Uberto; Quispe Coaquira, Jesús Esteban
| | | | · Evaluation of different levels of ascorbic acid in the finishing stage in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus L.) with the exclusion of forage Quisbert R, Yheymi C; Gutiérrez G, Eddy D; Espinoza P, Max
| | | CASE STUDIES | | | | · Technological linkage of agricultural schools for local innovation: The Sibundoy Colombia case Rochel Ortega, Elizabeth; Natali Cruz, Zulma; Rozo Leguizamón, Yanine; Goméz-Latorre, Douglas A.; Tofiño Rivera, Adriana; López López, Antonio José
| | | | · Experiencia interinstitucional en la producción orgánica de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) provincia Aroma, departamento de La Paz Patiño Fernández, Marco Antonio
| | | | · Morphological characteristics Annona deceptrix (Westra) H. Rainer endangered species, Manabí, Ecuador Vera Caballero, Carlos Gabriel; Caballero Vera, Hernán Humberto; Solorzano Zamora, Cirilo Heinert; Cedeño Loor, Francisco Omar; Caballero Vera, Mario Hernán; Caballero Vera, Julio Cesar; Murillo Borrero, Kevin Brayan
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