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| Porco Chiri, Freddy |
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| Manzaneda Delgado, Fernando |
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| · Index of water stress of lettuce crop (Lactuca sativa), through infrared thermometry to different irrigation sheets Tarqui Delgado, Marcelo; Chipana Rivera, René; Mena Herrera, Freddy Carlos; Quino Luna, Juan Javier; Tallacagua Terrazas, Rubén; Gutiérrez Villalobos, Susana
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| · Evaluation of the water resources demand in the traditional irrigation of the Azanaques basin Coela Poma, Ronald Reynaldo; Tarqui Delgado, Marcelo
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| · Control of the cocoa bug (Monaloniondis simulatum Dist.) With application of bioinsecticides in the Yungas region of Bolivia Huaycho Callisaya, Hugo; Maldonado Fuentes, Casto; Manzaneda Delgado, Fernando
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| · Determination of soil suitability for coffee cultivation (Coffea arábica) in the región of Pongo Pampa and Agrotakesi in the Municipality Yanacachi province South Yungas department of La Paz Flores Mancilla, Wily Marco
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| · Population density of nematodes in coffee (Coffea arábica L.), Alto Lima-Caranavi Pérez Quispe, Fernando; Cruz Choque, David; Poma Loza, Estanislao; Cadena Miranda, Freddy
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| · Leaflet temperature of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and air influenced by the vapor pressure deficit Tarqui Delgado, Marcelo; Mena Herrera, Freddy Carlos; Quino Luna, Juan Javier; Gutiérrez Villalobos, Susana; Coela Poma, Ronald Reynaldo
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| · Evaluation of the presence of heavy metals in agricultural soils and crops in three microbasins of the municipality of Poopó - Bolivia Chambi Parisaca, Lourdes Janneth; Orsag Cespedes, Vladimir; Niura Zurita, Amalia
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| · Application of worm humus solution in two varieties of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), at the Experimental Station of Patacamaya - La Paz Conde Flores, Keler German; Huaycho Callisaya, Hugo; Cruz Choque, David
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| · The associations of farmers in the production, processing and marketing of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in the municipality of Patacamaya Chipana Mendoza, Gladys J.; Trigo Riveros, Rubén Jacobo
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| · Evaluation of the nutritional stress "Flushing" in the reproductive indexes of nulliparous and primiparous mestizo sows Jimenez Viscarra, Gustavo Ruddy; Peñafiel Rodríguez, Mario Wilfredo; Gutiérrez Gonzales, Eddy Diego; Flores Espinoza, Ronald
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