| Table of contents J. Selva Andina Biosph. vol.9 no.1 La Paz 2021 Press Release | | | |
EDITORIAL | | | | · Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for sustainable agricultura Méndez-Gálvez, Silvia
| | | RESEARCH ARTICLES | | | | · Population dynamics of rice water weevil (Lissorhoptus venezolanus) in Calabozo, Guárico State, Venezuela Vivas Carmona, Luis Enrique; Astudillo García, Dilcia Herminia
| | | | · Edaphic macrofauna associated with the cultivation of maize (Zea maiz) Morales-Rojas, Eli; Chávez-Quintana, Segundo; Hurtado-Burga, Roxana; Milla-Pino, Manuel; Sanchez-Santillán, Tito; Collazos-Silva, Erik Martos
| | | | · Sustainability of the corn production system, in the province of Los Ríos (Ecuador), under the multi-criteria methodology of Sarandón Hasang-Moran, Edwin Stalin; García-Bendezú, Sady Javier; Carrillo-Zenteno, Manuel Danilo; Durango-Cabanilla, Wuellins Dennis; Cobos-Mora, Fernando Javier
| | | | · The vegetable value chain: considerations for local development from the producer Blanco-Capia, Luis Edgar
| | | SHORT COMMUNICATIONS | | | | · Indicators of colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in "potato" (Solanum tuberosum L.) Méndez-Gálvez, Silvia; Esquivel-Quispe, Roberta; Ochoa-Yupanqui, Walter Wilfredo
| | | SCIENTIFIC LETTERS | | | | · Paradigms of the agricultural system in times of COVID-19 Blanco-Capia, Luis Edgar
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