| Table of contents J. Selva Andina Biosph. vol.8 no.1 La Paz 2020 Press Release | | | |
EDITORIAL | | | | · The agricultural sector versus COVID-19 Blanco-Capia, Luis Edgar
| | | RESEARCH ARTICLES | | | | · Flora and vegetation of the province of Huamanga (Ayacucho-Peru) De la Cruz-Arango, Jesús; Gómez-Carrión, José; Chanco-Estela, Magda; Carrillo-Fuentes, Elida Paulina; Aucasime-Medina, Laura
| | | | · Applied framework to the social and environmental sustainability of lemon farms (Citrus aurantifolia (christm) S.) in Portoviejo, Ecuador Valarezo-Beltrón, Oswaldo
| | | | · Local knowledge of agricultural production technologies and strategies for climate resilience Loayza-Aguilar, Juan; Blanco-Capia, Luis Edgar; Bernabé-Uño, Adalid; Ayala-Flores, Gonzaga
| | | SHORT COMMUNICATION | | | | · Native arbuscular micorrizogen fungi propagation and their influence in Amylaceous corn production, in Paquecc-Ayacucho. First chapter: Propagation in combined crops in greenhouse Esquivel-Quispe, Roberta
| | | | · Native arbuscular micorrizogen fungi propagation and their influence in amylaceous corn production, in Paquecc-Ayacucho. Second chapter: Towards sustainable agriculture Esquivel-Quispe, Roberta
| | | SCIENTIFIC LETTERS | | | | · Food system and Covid-19: The need to prevent other pandemics Conde-Blanco, Edgar Abad
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