| Table of contents J. Selva Andina Biosph. vol.7 no.1 La Paz 2019 Press Release | | | |
EDITORIAL | | | | · La agricultura andina y su problemática Jiménez-Esparza, Luis Oswaldo
| | | RESEARCH ARTICLES | | | | · Geograhic information systems in the Shuar Chiguaza parish, Morona Santiago. An approximation to the current reality Pérez-Robalino, Matilde Anabel¹; Pérez-Robalino, Nery Rosendo²; Fiallos-Ortega, Edgar Vinicio²; Wampankit-Juank, Nancky Mauricio²; Cruz-Tobar, Saúl Eduardo3*
| | | | · Thermal requirement of the phenological phases of two varieties of amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L,): early and late in Ayacucho Roque-Siguas, Oscar Juan*
| | | | · Effect of organic amendments on the microbial populations of the rhizosphere of quinoa cultivation (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in the South Altiplano of Bolivia Paco-Pérez, Víctor*; Guzmán-Vega, Gunnar-David
| | | | · Evaluation of four genotypes of elephant grass in Calabozo, Guárico State, Venezuela Vivas-Carmona, Luis Enrique *; Navas-R, Ramón I; Escobar-García, Rafael Antoni; José De Jesús, Ron
| | | INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA | | | | · Organic fertilizers an alternative in the development of corms of orito (Musa acuminata AA) Jiménez-Esparza, Luis Oswaldo1*; Decker-Campuzano, Fernando Enrique²; González-Parra, Marilú Manuela¹; Mera-Andrade, Rafael¹
| | | SHORT COMMUNICATIONS | | | | · Clean production of castilla mora (Rubus glaucus Benth), in ecuador based on microorganism, for a good living of fruit farmer Martínez-Salinas, Aníbal Arturo¹; Villacís-Aldáz, Luis Alfredo2*; Viera-Arroyo, William Fernando¹; Jacome Montesdeoca, Rosendo Iván¹; Espín-Chico, Marta Cecilia³; León-Gordón, Olguer Alfredo²; Santana-Mayorga, Rita²
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