| Table of contents Rev. Cien. Tec. In. vol.22 no.29 Chuquisaca May 2024 Press Release | | | |
ARTICLES | | | | · Intraspecific and Interspecific kinship recognition in Scaptotrigona aff. postica (APIDAE: MELIPONINI) Morales-Acosta, Sara; Mondino, Raquel; Torres-Mostacedo, J. Aylin; Adler, Marcia
| | | | · Restriction and facilitation of Intra- and Interspecific transfer of Pollen analogues Ramos - Chuquimia, Daniela; Zelada, Mariana; Benitez - Vieyra, Santiago; Lozada - Gobilard, Sissi
| | | | · Anemophilic Pollen in the City of Sucre and its relationship with Meteorological factors and air Pollutants Janko Fernandez, Noelia Roxana; Ramallo Jadue, Fabiola Mabel; Urquizo Huanca, Omar Nahir
| | | | · Potential Chemical defenses of Native Plants from Potrerillo del Güendá using ant Behavior As Bioindicators Quinteros Guzmán, Jhoseline Vanesa; Enriquez Loayza, Diana; Patricia Cervantes, Monica; Benitez-Vieyra, Santiago
| | | | · Approximations to the interaction network between nocturnal bees and flowering plants from Potrerillos del Güendá (Santa Cruz, Bolivia) Crespo Cordero, Margarita Rosario; Almendras Gutierrez, Carol Andrea; Calcina Mamani, Selmy; Adler, Marcia; Benitez-Vieyra, Santiago
| | | | · Effect of native and exotic visitors of germination in Lepechinia fforibunda (Lamiaceae) Baranzelli, Matías C.; Martínez, Gabriela; Fornoni, Juan; Camina, Julia; Ashworth, Lorena; Sérsic, Alicia N.; Cocucci, Andrea A.; Issaly, Andres E.; Benitez-Vieyra, Santiago; Rocamundi, Nicolás
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