| Table of contents J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. vol.13 no.2 La Paz 2022 Press Release | | | |
EDITORIAL | | | | · Whether to write or not a dilemma in the professional role but a social necessity Loza-Murguia, Manuel Gregorio
| | | ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL | | | | · Morphological diversity determination of the tomato fruit collection (Solanum lycopersicum L.) by phenotyping based on digital images Quispe-Choque, Gonzalo; Rojas-Ledezma, Shirley; Maydana-Marca, Amalia
| | | RESEARCH NOTES | | | | · Evaluation of four biostimulants for the induction of systemic resistance in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) in monoculture and associated greenhouse cultivation Gabriel-Ortega, Julio; Chonillo Pionce, Pablo; Narváez Campana, Washington; Fuentes Figueroa, Tomas; Ayón Villao, Fernando
| | | | · Nutritional intervention for housewives from Jeráhuaro, Mich. A necessity in eating behavior Figueroa-Chávez, Patricia Yasmín; Sánchez-Santana, Elizabeth; Ayala-García, Judith; Diaz-Balcazar, Rodrigo
| | | CARTA CIENTÍFICA | | | | · Organic farming: truth or myth, judge for yourself Gabriel-Ortega, Julio
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