| Table of contents J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. vol.11 no.1 La Paz 2020 Press Release | | | |
EDITORIAL | | | | · The need to research, write and publish relevant news Loza-Murguía, Manuel Gregorio
| | | ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL | | | | · Innovations in horticultural production matrix to reduce the effect of climate change in Puerto la Boca, Jipijapa, Ecuador Gabriel-Ortega, Julio Luis; Delvalle-García, Juan; Padilla-Piloso, Jaime; Pincay-Quijije, Nixon; Ayón-Villao, Fernando; Narváez-Campana, Washington; González-Vázquez, Alfredo
| | | | · Biostimulants: An innovation in agriculture for coffee cultivation (Coffea arabica L) Valverde-Lucio, Yhony; Moreno-Quinto, Josselyn; Quijije-Quiroz, Karen; Castro-Landín, Alfredo; Merchán-García, Williams; Gabriel-Ortega, Julio
| | | NOTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN | | | | · Biocidal activity of the crude ethanol extract of Piper elongatum "Matico" in cervicitis in women of childbearing age, as a therapeutic alternative Rodríguez-Lizana, Maritza; Ochoa-Yupanqui, Walter Wilfredo
| | | | · Glucose determination: The use of glucometers as a rapid test of analysis Gygliola-Ormachea, Peggy Brenda; Tarquino-Flores, Gabriela; Chambi-Gutierrez, Edgar; Averanga-Conde, Kattia; Salcedo-Ortiz, Lily
| | | COMUNICACIÓN CORTA | | | | · Spirulina a nutritional supplement as a possible alternative in weight control. A study with Wistar rats Guillen-Martín del Campo, Jorge Alberto; Calvillo-Femat, Antonio; Mosqueda-Esparza, Joyce Ivonne; Rodríguez-Hernández, Adán Israel; Jaramillo-González, Francisco
| | | CARTA CIENTÍFICA | | | | · Interculturality and university Ríos Campos, Carlos
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