| Table of contents J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. vol.9 no.1 La Paz 2018 Press Release | | | |
EDITORIAL | | | | · Sobre el aporte de la ciencia a la producción agropecuaria y la conservación de los recursos naturales Conde-Blanco, Edgar Abad
| | | ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL | | | | · Population fluctuations model of fruit flies Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann 1824) and Anastrepha spp (Diptera: Tephritidae) on two routes in the municipality of Caranavi, Bolivia Conde-Blanco, Edgar Abad; Loza-Murguia, Manuel Gregorio; Asturizaga-Aruquipa, Luis Bernabé; Ugarte-Anaya, Denis; Jiménez-Espinoza, Ramiro
| | | | · Multitemporal analysis of forest cover using spatial remote sensing and GIS methodology in the Coroico River sub-basin-Caranavi Province in the years 1989-2014 Condori-Luna, Ismael Junior; Loza-Murguia, Manuel Gregorio; Mamani-Pati, Francisco; Solíz-Valdivia, Hugo
| | | RESEARCH NOTES | | | | · Biorestauration and phytoremediation of soil impacted by waste residual oil Alonso-Bravo, Jennifer Nayeli; Montaño-Arias, Noé Manuel; Santoyo-Pizano, Gustavo; Márquez-Benavides, Liliana; Saucedo-Martinez, Blanca Celeste; Sánchez-Yáñez, Juan Manuel
| | | REVISIONES | | | | · Nanotechnology an alternative for wastewater treatment: Advances, Advantages and Disadvantages Chávez-Lizárraga, Georgina Aurelia
| | | CARTAS AL EDITOR | | | | · Adverse reaction to antituberculosis drugs (ADRA). A reality in Bolivia Mamani-Poma, Augusto
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