Presentation |
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| · Presentación Gutiérrez Andrade, Osvaldo Walter
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Articles |
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| · Base appreciations to stimulate stock-market operations in developing markets in Latin America Céspedes López, Jairo Beymar; Mendoza Vega, Camila Alejandra
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| · Factors influencing the buyer of eco-friendly products Torrico Castellon, Nicole Natalie; Almeida Cardona, Rodrigo
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| · Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanisms: The effect of a decrease in short-term interest rates from the perspective of financial analysis. Camacho Badani, Pablo Rolando
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| · Brand positioning in the fried chicken industry in the city of Cochabamba Treviño Montaño, Maria Nicole; La Fuente Cardona, Sonia Daniela; Ruiz Andia, Rodrigo; Rojas Ortuño, Liziel Karina
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| · Incorporating Statistics into Sports Training: An Innovative Approach in Bolivia Mancilla Heredia, Julia Claudina; Mancilla Pereira, José Eduardo
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| · The Exlinkage in the Highlands of Cochabamba (1870-1905) Gutiérrez Andrade, Osvaldo Walter
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