Editorial |
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| Luján, Marcos |
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Scientific articles |
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| · Efectos de la contaminación atmosférica en la salud de la población del distrito N°3 Vinto - Oruro Cordero Velarde, E. Jaqueline; Cornejo Pinto, Alex J.; Cruz Fuentes, Daniel; Mamani Chambi, Jhanet Verónica
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| · Developmental origin of health and disease: relation between in utero exposure to atmospheric pollution and post-natal health Cáceres - Sánchez, L.; Coca-Salazar, A.; Boitrelle, F.
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| · Use of bioindicators to determine air quality in Tarija city in sampling points of MoniCA network Oller Cruz, Oscar Javier
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| · Mobile source emissions inventory with a spatial and temporal distribution for the metropolitan area of Cochabamba, Bolivia Calla Durandal, Lucía; Luján Pérez, Marcos
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| · Inventory, evaluation and projection of carbon emissions from the national electric sector. Bolivia 2025 Fernández Vázquez, Carlos A. A.; Fernández Fuentes, Miguel
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| · Simulation of pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere of biomass power plant Pereira-Peláez, Daniel
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| · Characterization of the PM2,5 chemical - morphological in Lima metropolitan with scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) Ordóñez - Aquino, Carol; Sánchez - Ccoyllo, Odón
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| · Evaluation of the environmental noise levels in the urban hull of the city of Tarija Román, Gabriela
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| · Estimation CO2 emissions of UCB students (Campus Tupuraya), by the transport use and mitigation proposals Fernández Vázquez, T. D. I. Michelle; Lazzo, Nazaria Andrea
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| · Analysis of the seasonal variation of atmospheric pollution and its relation with meteorological variables in the central valley of Cochabamba - Bolivia Montenegro, Edgar; Luján Pérez, Marcos
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| · Spatial distribution of sulfur in the atmosphere of the interior estuary of the Gulf of Guayaquil from passive samplers (Fenn and Poth, 2004) Guayaquil, Ecuador Quevedo, Olga; Calderón, Fernanda
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Current events and outreach |
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| · II Congreso de gestión de calidad del aire, Cochabamba - Bolivia (del 5 al 7 de Julio de 2017) - Informe de cierre Herbas Baeny, Estela; Calla Durandal, Lucia
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