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Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas
Print version ISSN 1562-6776


Table of contents
Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. vol.65 no.1 La Paz June 2024

 ·  Epidemiology in the context of social medicine
Tamayo Caballero, Carlos

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Assessment of cervicometry and Bishop score for the diagnosis of threatened preterm labor. High-risk obstetric service. Hospital de la Mujer, january-march 2019
Valle-Alarcón, María E

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The authorship and institutionalization of health scientific production, published in bolivian scientific journals indexed in bibliographical databases
Germán, Palenque-Rocabado

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  COVID-19 mortality and comorbidity, La Paz - Bolivia, 2020 - 2022
Franz, Calani-Lazcano; Carlos, Tamayo-Caballero; Jimmy, Alejo-Pocoma; Vicente, Aguirre-Tarquino; Calcina-Oblitas, Aracely N

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Demographic characteristics and working conditions of medical interns in mandatory rural health service, 2022
Barrantes-Costas, Juan C; Ticona-Blanco, Ariel; Alanes-Fernández, Angela M. C; Mita-Kille, Silvia E; Alba-Flores, Michael Y; Philco-Lima, Patricia

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Nutritional beverage and blood glucose levels in athletes from the high-performance center of the autonomous municipal government of La Paz, 2019
Fuentes-Sapiencia, Diego J; Jordán-de Guzmán, Magdalena L

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Autosomal recessive Robinow syndrome in a family with two affected siblings: a case report
Ximena, Aguilar-Mercado; Germán, Melean-Gumiel; Rafael, Montaño-Arrieta; Valeria, Aillón-López; Adela, Terán-Zúñiga

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal septum, a case report
Gustavo, Del Carpio-Mostajo; Rodríguez-Añez, Cristhian F; Huaycho-Flores, Juan R

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Angiolipoma of the maxillofacial region in a pediatric patient: a case report with literature review
Quelca-Choque, Heber G; Cruz-Villca, Marcia B

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Fundamental contributions regarding the role of adipose tissue in humans
Alfredo, Párraga-Chirveches

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Clinical guide: down syndrome: evaluation from birth to the first year
Ximena, Aguilar-Mercado; Rene, Soria-Saucedo; Montaño-Arrieta, Rafael E; Melean-Gumiel, Germán; López-Valeria, Aillón

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Clinical guideline: down syndrome assessment from ages 1 to 5 (preschool children)
Rene, Soria-Saucedo; Ximena, Aguilar-Mercado; Montaño-Arrieta, Rafael E; Melean-Gumiel, Germán; López-Valeria, Aillón

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Simulation in medical education
Oscar, Vera-Carrasco

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Caracterización de una milhojas de verdura lista para consumir enriquecida con polifenoles

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  A chapter in the history of Bichat histology (a light in the darkness)
Germán, Palenque-Rocabado

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )

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