| Table of contents Rev. bol. ped. vol.46 no.2 La Paz June 2007 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Immunization program's in Bolivia Zamora Gutierrez, Adalid
| | | Original Articles | | | | · National vaccination campaign for the elimination of rubella and the congenital rubella syndrome, Bolivia 2006 Plaza Zamorano, Antonio; Halkyer Belaunde, Percy; Machicao Ballivian, Erick; Fuentes Aspiazu, Magali; Ronveaux Dupal, Olivier
| | | | · The cost-effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine for children under 2 years of age in Colombia Alvis Guzmán, Nelson; De La Hoz Restrepo, Fernando; Vivas Consuelo, David
| | | Case Reports | | | | · Intoxication by star anise in an infant
| | | | · Multiple hemangiomatosis with visceral involvement, a case report Valverde Moncada, Gabriela; Soria Galvarro Gutierrez, Marizol; Chungara Montaño, Jorge
| | | Updated | | | | · Antileukotrienes and asthma Mendoza Amatller, Alfredo; Gorena Antezana, Samara
| | | Incomun Pediatric Imaging | | | | · Ranula Arteaga Bonilla, Ricardo; Arteaga Michel, Ricardo
| | | Abstracts of Articles of the Pediatric Literature | | | | · Interpretación de la prueba de tuberculina en niños escolares vacunados con BCG y no vacunados Arteaga Bonilla, Ricardo; Arteaga Michel, Ricardo
| | | Articles of the Southern Cone | | | | · Prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in the school population of Jovitaa community in the province of Córdoba Lubetkin, Alberto M.; Robledo, Jorge A.; Siccardi, Leonardo J.; Rodríguez, María I.
| | | | · Peak expiratory flow in healthy Uruguayan children Capano, Aníbal; Saráchaga, María Julia; Estol, Paul; Orsi, S.; Lapides, C.; Ferreira, N.
| | | | · Early detection of diabetic nephropathy in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus Gallardo T., Vivian; Ugarte P., Francisca; Barrera N., Antonio; Godoy C., Claudia; Pereira S., Ana; Eblen Z., Elizabeth; Kegler, J.; Orue, C.; Dávalos, H.; Canata, M.; Recalde, L.
| | | Continuing Medical Education | | | | · Neonatal asphyxia Tejerina Morató, Hugo
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