| Table of contents Gac Med Bol vol.43 no.1 Cochabamba Aug. 2020 Press Release | | | |
EDITORIAL | | | | · Virtualization emergency Antezana Soria Galvarro, Marlene L.
| | | Original Article | | | | · Adnexal torsion in pregnancy: clinical experience of conservative management Maita, Freddy; Niño de Guzmán, O; Antezana, Eufronio; Céspedes, Gaby; Hochstatter, Edwin
| | | | · Incidence of Adenocarcinoma in Transitional Zone of Prostate in public Ferrufino Iriarte, Javier; López Ovando, Nicol; Luizaga Salazar, Alejandra; López Vargas, Daniel
| | | | · Is the intralesional treatment of cutaneous Leishmaniasis safe against the risk of mucosal complications? Limachi-Choque, Jhonny Wilson; Rojas-Cabrera, Ernesto; Verduguez-Orellana, Aleida; Eid-Rodríguez, Daniel
| | | | · Histopathological characterization of gallbladder cancer at the “Joaquín Albarrán” Hospital, Havana Cuba, in the period 2010-2019 Piamo Morales, Alberto J.; Ferrer Marrero, Daisy; Chávez Jiménez, Digna; Arzuaga Anderson, Isnerio; Palma Machado, Lourdes; Sotolongo Montano, Loandy
| | | | · Intranasal dexmedetomidine in sedation for OB/GYN Alegre Andrade, Patricia; Trujillo Rodríguez, Valentina Fernanda
| | | | · Sex workers of Cochabamba: a sociodemographic approach Andressa Bevilacqua, Patriccia; Camacho Costa, Grace Laura
| | | | · Knowledge and use of medicinal plants in yuracar communities. TIPNIS, Cochabamba, Bolivia Peredo Lazarte, Andrés; Pinto Rios, Cyntia Roxana
| | | | · Antibiotic susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus from nasal isolates in students from northern Peru Suaréz-Del-Aguila, Usmán José; Iglesias-Osores, Sebastian; Moreno-Mantilla, Mario
| | | REVIEW ARTICLE | | | | · Covid-19, a look from pediatrics Giuseppe, Grandy; Terán, Carlos G; Martínez, Alejandro; Volz, Anna
| | | | · Microvascular decompression for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia Sanchez Arriaran, Shery Lane; Gonzalo Párraga, Richard
| | | | · Space-based random sampling and its usefulness in epidemiological research Zambrana Vera, Angela Marion; Avilés Ribera, Sergio Alberto; Gumucio Zabalaga, Fernando; Luizaga López, Marcela; Pineda Gamarra, Paul; Illanes Velarde, Daniel
| | | | · Use of convalescent Plasma in COVID-19 patients Nina Garcia, Nelson M.; Cussi Coronel, Guiselle Alejandra
| | | | · Minimally invasive surgery in times of COVID-19, is it possible? Vargas-Rocha, Vladimir Erik; Segales-Rojas, Patricia; Vargas-Rocha, Brian E.
| | | CASE REPORTS | | | | · Cardiac arrhythmia after to spinal anesthesia in cesarean Alegre Andrade, Patricia
| | | | · An unusual presentation of sporotrichosis: a case report Jaldín, Juan Pablo; Rodríguez Auad, Juan Pablo
| | | | · Heterotopic pregnancy: a case report Hochstatter Arduz, Erwin; Gonzales Vargas, Andrea
| | | | · Sequelae of blunt eye trauma, in an economically active patient Quispaya Q., Rolando; Fernandez M., Paola
| | | | · Right atrium myxoma in chilhood Jimenez Aguilar, Mijail; León Varón, Cinthia Fabiola; Martínez León, Alejandro F.; Zurita, Víctor
| | | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | | | | · Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): The need for a multidimensional approach Cortés, Manuel E.; Alfaro Silva, Andrea A.
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