| Table of contents Gac Med Bol vol.32 no.1 Cochabamba 2009 Press Release | | | |
RESEARCH REPORT | | | | · Inmunodepression and inmunorestauration on chidren with serious proteic energetic desnutrition Sevilla, Ricardo; Zalles, Lourdes; Belmonte, Guadalupe; Jambón, Bernard; Chevalier, Philipe; Parent, Gerald; Dehnin, Jean Marie
| | | | · Endoscopic-Hystopathological Correlation of Helicobacter Pylory Cag-A Koller, James; Jensen, Mauricio; Guerrer, M. Lourdes
| | | | · Sensibility of stafilococus to common use antibiotics in 15 years old younger children hospital Manuel Ascencio Villarroel Camacho Arnez, Mery; Fabiani, Ramiro; Fernandez Rios, Edgar
| | | | · General Aenesthesia balanced with low flow Osorio Oporto, Gastón M.; Vargas Soto, Lizeth
| | | | · Germs present in newborns gastric aspírate cultures from intramnioticinfecction suspected patients pardo Novak, Antonio; Brañez García, Cristian A.; Camacho Claros, Claudia; Ordóñez Maigua, Javier
| | | | · Incidence of neuroaxial anesthesia complicaions at Hospital Maternológico Germán Urquidi Castellón Sejas, Virginia; Camacho Claros, Giovanna; Bustamante, Carmen Rosa
| | | | · Incidence and causes of low intestine blooding at Intitute Gastroenterológico Boliviano Japones (1979-2005) Jensen Balcázar, Ivar Mauricio; Guerra Salazar, Patricia
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