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 SciELO   SciELO-Bolivia is a collection of electronic journals with open and free access to full texts available online.
This is a joint effort initiated in July 2008 with the participation of several Bolivian institutions including the Universidad Mayor de San Andres, the Program for Strategic Research in Bolivia, the Bolivian Catholic University, the Bolivian Association of Biomedical Magazine Publishers, and the Vice-Ministry for Science and Technology, with support from the Pan American Health Organization’s Bolivia office.
The site’s Executive Coordination is provided by the Vice-Ministry for Science and Technology through the Bolivian System for Scientific and Technological Information (SIBICyT). Technical Coordination is provided by the Universidad Mayor de San Andres.
The SciELO project is an initiative of the Foundation for Support to Research of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil (FAPESP) and the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Information on Health Sciences (BIREME). It will include the development of a common methodology for preparation, storage, dissemination and evaluation of scientific literature in electronic format.
The site integrates and provides access to the network of SciELO sites, where you can browse existing SciELO collections or do searches at the level of a particular country.

 about this site   

The site's goal is to implement an electronic scientific library that provides full access to a collection of Bolivian journals and a collection of individual journal issues, with full texts of articles. Access to the journals and articles is available via index and search formats.
The site will be constantly updated in form and content as the project progresses.


The SciELO interface provides access to its journal collection through an alphabetical list of titles, table of contents, word searches, name of publisher, city of publication, and topic.
The interface also provides access to the full text of articles via an index of authors, table of contents, or search format by elements of the article such as name of author, words in the title, topics and words of the full text.
Click an hypertext link at the top to call the corresponding access page.


Creative Commons License All the contents of, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

SciELO Bolivia- Scientific Electronic Library Online
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés - Av. Villazón Nro. 1995
Viceministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología - Av. Arce Nro. 2147
La Paz - Bolivia
Phone: +(591-2) 2442505 - 2612257 - 2612393
Fax: +(591-2) 2900490 Int 23 - 2900491 Int 19