Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science
versión impresa ISSN 2311-3766versión On-line ISSN 2311-2581
J.Selva Andina Anim. Sci. vol.11 no.1 La Paz 2024 Epub 01-Abr-2024
Retraction. A current issue, but it will be necessary
1Director - Editor in Chief. Executive President - Honorary. Board of Directors. Higher Council for Research in Science & Biotechnology. Selva Andina Research Society Foundation. Contact address: +591 67110665 - 75214458 E-mail:
Nowadays, the retraction of articles already published in prestigious scientific journals is very frequent and sometimes recurrent.
When one wonders the reasons for this condition, the answers can be innumerable, but the question is why it is happening. Without seeking explanations that may be incorrect, it seems that the editorial processes of a journal at the time of the pandemic were the trigger, and forced the publication of articles without the rigorousness that should be done. Curiously, now one learns and receives messages from an endless number of reviews, which are making retractions, hence the doubt is that the pandemic did this or that there was not a reliable evaluation process of the manuscript.
Let us also not forget that a journal is a means of dissemination of scientific articles and that in many opportunities the overload of information, makes the editor find himself in somewhat cumbersome situations, because of the time he has to make visible an issue, and also the databases or indexes of journals, are constantly monitoring the update of a journal, which is in that database.
An editor, then, is overwhelmed and that could be one of the reasons for the retraction, whether it is possible or not, but it happened.
It is not easy nowadays to know if an author is writing the right thing, given that Artificial Intelligence has taken free rein, and that there are authors who have lost ethics in research and are given ways to do research work in various areas of knowledge using technological tools, which sometimes an editor cannot access.
Hence, an article that arrives to a journal, in many opportunities, due to the haste in the publication, the details are not analyzed, and therefore there comes the retraction. So it is necessary that every editor should have access to these tools that allow him to make such evaluations, however, because of the resources, which sometimes do not count, we fall into these precipices, in which some authors have lost the ethics in the publication, and it is not only one.
We have been able over time to reject many articles, which, by their nature, were plagiarism at the beginning, then scientific fraud and, needless to say, some have taken very old articles and only changed the title and made some modifications, how incredible.
As a journal editor, we are faced with an avalanche of authors who only want to have an impact with publications and perhaps only publish to fulfill an obligation or seek a salary increase at the institution where they work.
Hence, an editor must be alert when receiving a manuscript and be quite rigorous in knowing whether to publish it or not, send it to the reviewers or simply reject it.
Finally, and living in this era, where technology is part of our lives and we cannot isolate ourselves from it, but we must seek strategies on how to use it for good, since the publication is valuable information that can give a different direction to science, technology, education, development, and the lifestyle of society as a whole, broaden the horizons of a researcher to make applications or perhaps with that published research, to carry out development projects in an area or country.
As you can see, publication is not only writing and that is not the end of the subject, but rather the beginning of the new history of science, as long as the data is true and the researcher(s) have taken all the necessary precautions and comply with ethical standards in the development of their research.
From there I come back to the initial question, will retraction be necessary or...
Loza-Murguia Manuel Gregorio PhD
Director - Editor in Chief
Executive President - Honorary
Board of Directors
Higher Council for Research in Science & Biotechnology
Selva Andina Research Society Foundation
Contact address: +591 67110665 - 75214458
2024. Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science ® . Bolivia. All rights reserved.