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Journal of the Selva Andina Biosphere
Print version ISSN 2308-3867On-line version ISSN 2308-3859
J. Selva Andina Biosph. vol.11 no.1 La Paz 2023 Epub May 01, 2023
A look at the environment and its impact on daily life
1DIRECTOR - EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. Executive President - Honorary Chairman of the Board. Higher Council for Research in Science and Biotechnology. Selva Andina Research Society Foundation. La Paz - Plurinational State of Bolivia. Tel. +591 - 671 10665 -752 14458 E-mail.
We live in difficult times, through time the habits of human beings have changed radically, food production, consumerism, destruction of the environment, with the emblem of expanding agriculture, developing technologies, improving the lifestyle of society as a whole.
But not everything remains there, we still continue to manipulate the environment, with the desire to create spaces for housing, which affects water consumption, with the creation of new cities, construction of buildings, a situation that seems that we have not yet been able to understand nature, she has expressed herself in the early twentieth century, not too far away was the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused governments to close many social and cultural activities, among others, and not to mention the environment, which was recovering to some extent, but needed time.
After that moment, with the fact of recovering the economy, we returned to the activities and with more impetus, sometimes we do not understand the human being, it would seem that his behavior with nature is only in words, because when the time comes we do not see for sure the fact that we live on a planet as tenants and that we are not owners, except that we live in an area that apparently is ours because it is so provided by the laws that each society defines as its own. But what about the environment, we continue extracting raw materials, consuming water, devastating forests, while in other latitudes there are floods, tornadoes, frosts, droughts, forest fires, but no one assumes responsibility for these events, we only hear that they were effects of climate change.
There are countries in Latin America that do not have water and this is already a wake-up call for us to do something, the planet is revealing itself, drought will soon be associated with famine, because if there is no water suitable for human consumption and agricultural production, what will happen?
It is necessary to work on maintaining protected areas, protection of plant and animal species that are in the process of extinction, through programs or organizations whose roles are already defined, but need the support and contribution of governments and society as a whole.
It is also necessary that we are aware of the consumerism that ultimately affects the environment, if we take a look, almost all the seas, lakes are full of plastic, which are used for different purposes, but are discarded so quickly, and like all waste falls into water sources.
There are countries in Latin America that do not have water and this is already a wake-up call for us to do something, the planet is revealing itself, drought will soon be associated with famine, because if there is no water suitable for human consumption and agricultural production, what will happen?
It is necessary to work on maintaining protected areas, protection of plant and animal species that are in the process of extinction, through programs or organizations whose roles are already defined, but need the support and contribution of governments and society as a whole.
It is also necessary that we are aware of the consumerism that ultimately affects the environment, if we take a look, almost all the seas, lakes are full of plastic, which are used for different purposes, but are discarded so quickly, and like all waste falls into water sources.