Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society
versão impressa ISSN 2072-9294versão On-line ISSN 2072-9308
J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. vol.15 no.1 La Paz 2024 Epub 29-Fev-2024
The first 15 years of validity. An opportunity to celebrate our identity
1DIRECTOR - EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. Executive President - Honorary Chairman of the Board. Higher Council for Research in Science and Biotechnology. Selva Andina Research Society Foundation. La Paz - Plurinational State of BoliviaTel. +591 - 671 10665 -752 14458. E-mail. E-mail. E-mail:
We celebrate 15 years with this issue, we are proud to know that we have gained a space in the scientific society. It was not an easy job, but nobody said it was, silent and sometimes even worrying, due to the lack of articles for its edition. The work efforts, the meetings and the confidence of the authors, do not make us see that there is still a long way to go.
After 15 years of publication, it is still too hasty to say that we are leaders in the field, but that does not mean that at some point we will become so, for that we must continue to work quietly and perseveringly. An editor is not a person who is in the mass media, advertising, what he is looking for is quality of work and that requires dedication, time and constant effort.
Every editor, unless he is mistaken, seeks that the journal is visible, and that its frequency of publication is maintained, also goes in search of authors of the specialty of a journal in question, so that they and based on their analysis and relevance, send their manuscripts to a journal, which gives them security and confidence in the editorial processes, They are the ones who give an opinion, either an approval, observe or reject a research work, and it is there where the editor enters to evaluate these details and make communications with the author or authors.
Difficult task faced by an editor, many times we stumble upon professionals, who for some reason comment plagiarism or scientific fraud, and it is difficult to distinguish or perceive these glimpses in an article, despite the current technological tools, then the work becomes much more complex and interesting, this makes us more careful in each work that comes to a journal.
15 years, and the members of the journal, we are happy to have reached this moment, we have gone through difficult times, the pandemic was one of these, but despite these situations the work remains a constant dynamic, and harmony in the work, is the motto, if a work is accepted is an achievement, it is something that makes us proud as a working group. But there is still a long way to go and it is necessary to make the editorial processes as a motto, so that the authors can be sure that their research is taken very seriously, which is what characterizes us.
Now we see the future, but we do not know that it is just around the corner, but we do know that the Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society (JSARS) has earned its place in the academic world and that the future will be kind to us for various reasons, but the main one is that we are an institution that is gaining the respect of society as a whole and that we will soon be much stronger.
We will not bend our shoulders, we are and will be a journal that grows day by day, despite the limitations we face.
We would like to send an affectionate greeting to the authors, reviewers, members of the editorial committee, technicians who trust in the processes that govern the reception, evaluation, opinion, up to the final edition of an article.
We are now working on our new web portal, and there you will be able to see the novelties that we offer to the scientific community to which we are indebted.
Thank you very much to all those who have allowed us to be where we have to be and the trust you have placed in us.
Manuel Gregorio Loza-Murguia Ph.D
Executive President - Honorary Chairman of the Board
Higher Council for Research in Science and Biotechnology
Selva Andina Research Society Foundation
La Paz - Plurinational State of BoliviaTel. +591 - 671 10665 -752 14458
2024. Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society ® . Bolivia. All rights reserved.