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vol.4 número8La pedagogía hospitalaria como una inclusión social al desarrollo educativo. Una revisión sistemáticaEstrategias de comprensión lectora en estudiantes de secundaria en su lengua materna: Una revisión sistemática índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Tribunal

versión On-line ISSN 2959-6513


AGUIRRE NAMOT, Cristina Elizabeth  y  MERINO SALAZAR, Teresita del Rosario. Phonological awareness for linguistic development in five-year-old children. Tribunal [online]. 2024, vol.4, n.8, pp.181-203.  Epub 01-Jul-2024. ISSN 2959-6513.

Phonological awareness in five-year-old children is crucial for learning linguistic skills; it not only influences the acquisition of oral language, but also consolidates reading and writing comprehension. The objective of the research is to identify the degree of phonological awareness and the tools used to improve its development in children. For which a systematic review with a descriptive design and method was used. In a first step, the various articles from periodical publications were searched in Google Scholar, databases such as SCIELO, SCOPUS, WEB SCIENCE for their respective analysis. From a database of different sources found, 60% of these systematic review articles were found in Scielo, 20% were found in Scopus, 10% were found in Web of Science and 10% could be found in Google. Academic. We conclude that the Test for the Evaluation of Phonological Knowledge (PECO) is the most effective.

Palabras clave : Word awareness; phonological awareness; syllabic awareness; linguistic development; pronunciation.

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