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Vive Revista de Salud

versión impresa ISSN 2664-3243


HUANCA, Edgar Octavio Roque et al. Anxiety, depression and sleep quality in dental students. Vive Rev. Salud [online]. 2024, vol.7, n.20, pp.371-381.  Epub 10-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2664-3243.

The quality of sleep-in students is an essential factor that influences the correct development of cognitive learning processes, as well as the quality of life and the mental and physical health of future professionals. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between anxiety, depression and sleep quality in students of the Dentistry program at the National University of the Altiplano of Puno. Materials and methods: Observational cross-sectional cohort study with the participation of 78 students, with an average age of 22.63±2.87 years, with a gender distribution of 32 men (41.0%) and 46 women (59.0%). The Hamilton rating scale was used to evaluate anxiety and depression, with an internal consistency of α = 0.88 and 0.86, respectively, and the Pittsburgh questionnaire was used to measure the sleep quality index (α = 0.87). Results: In the predictive model, the standardized β coefficients indicate that psychological anxiety (β = -.870; p<0.001), depression (β = .119; p<0.05) and the development of clinical practices (β = -0.019; p<0.05) were the factors that contributed most significantly to the students' sleep quality index. Conclusion: These findings underscore the importance of addressing sleep problems as an integral part of the treatment of anxiety and depression, as well as highlighting the need to consider mental health in the assessment and management of sleep disorders.

Palabras clave : Mental health; Anxiety; Depression; Sleep quality index.

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