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Vive Revista de Salud
versão impressa ISSN 2664-3243
VILLEGAS, Milagros Silvia Ordinola. Public Policy and Mental Health in Basic Education Agents in Lima, 2023. Vive Rev. Salud [online]. 2023, vol.6, n.18, pp.839-848. Epub 25-Set-2023. ISSN 2664-3243.
The mental health landscape presents palpable challenges. Despite an increase in the number of physicians, the number of health personnel is insufficient, placing Peru below international standards recommended by the WHO. Objective. To analyze the influence of public policies on mental health in agents involved in regular basic education in the Lima region. Materials and Methods. An applied, non-experimental, cross-sectional and causal correlational research was carried out. The sample consisted of 50 educational agents; non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used. Results. They indicate that the variable Public Policies correlates with the variable Mental Health, since by means of the coefficient of determination R² a value of .063 was obtained, this means that 6.3% of problems in Mental Health are presented by an inadequate management of Public Policies. Therefore, Public Policies (PP) influence 6.3% of Mental Health (MH) problems. Conclusions. It was determined that 3.7% of the problems in MH are linked to inadequate management of the PPPs. The importance of proper management here lies in ensuring that treatment services are accessible, quality and evidence-based, thus guaranteeing comprehensive and continuous care for those in need.
Palavras-chave : Mental Health; Public policies; Education.