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Vive Revista de Salud

versão impressa ISSN 2664-3243


MURILLO, Mónica del Rocío Gallegos  e  QUINONEZ, María Belén Ríos. Visual stimulation therapies and academic performance of children in the first year of Elementary School. Vive Rev. Salud [online]. 2023, vol.6, n.18, pp.768-779.  Epub 25-Set-2023. ISSN 2664-3243.

Visual therapy as a treatment of neurophysiological stimulation, allows the development and improvement of visual skills, which have a direct impact on learning and reading. Objective. To evaluate the impact of visual stimulation therapies on the academic performance of children in the first year of elementary school in a private educational unit in Quito-Ecuador. Materials and methods. The research was descriptive, educational intervention modality, with causal and longitudinal explanatory scope. We worked with an intentional sample of 32 students of 5 years of age, both biological sexes, who attended presential classes, did not receive visual therapies and had parental consent. A professional specialist in visual health carried out the research in three phases: 1) diagnostic: measurement of the variables as a pre-test; 2) application of strategies: with the deployment of the program for six months to work on the stimulation of visual-perceptual skills and; 3) evaluation of the program after the intervention of the variables as a post-test. Results. After the therapies, 97% of the population had a positive impact of +60, the percentage of inferior visual acuity was reduced to 0%, optimal visual acuity increased in OD (43%) and OI (47%), stereopsis improved in 84% of subjects, visuo-perceptual skills were acceptable and school performance was improved. Conclusions. It could be evidenced that the stimulation of visual skills through specific therapies, at early ages, is important and necessary to avoid future learning problems.

Palavras-chave : Visual Acuity; Therapy; Stereopsis; Academic Performance.

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