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Vive Revista de Salud
versión impresa ISSN 2664-3243
DE LA TORRE ORTEGA, Layla et al. Assessment of the risk of falls in the elderly, during the confinement period 2020. Vive Rev. Salud [online]. 2022, vol.5, n.13, pp.63-74. Epub 19-Feb-2022. ISSN 2664-3243.
Older adults, by nature, present progressive deterioration of physical cognitive capacities, where faculties such as balance, gait, strength and functional mobility are affected. Confinement and social distancing can lead to these people losing certain routines and increasing their risk of falls and musculoskeletal injuries. Objective. To determine the risk of falls in the elderly during the confinement period. Materials and methods. Study with a quantitative approach, descriptive scope, non-experimental design and a cross-sectional cohort; The population sample is of 42 older adults in the city of Guayaquil, who meet the inclusion criteria, who are evaluated through a clinical history and the tests, Timed Up & go, Tinetti, Downton and Falls Efficacy. Results. Predominance of the female population group aged between 80 and 91 years, the Timed Up & Go Test denotes that 76% present moderate and variable deficiency of functional mobility, the Tinetti test shows a high risk of falls in 83% of older adults, while the Downton and Falls Efficacy scales show that 50% require specific care and 48% are afraid of falling. Conclusions. The group of older adults evaluated shows a high predisposition to the risk of falls, product of the mobility deficit, alteration of balance and gait, in response to the lack of physical activity and social distancing generated during the confinement period from March to June 2020.
Palabras clave : COVID-19, Dyspnea, Quality of life; Physiotherapy; Respiratory dysfunctions.