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Alfa Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinaria
versão On-line ISSN 2664-0902
YAULILAHUA-HUACHO, Russbelt et al. Epiphytic lichens as bioindicators of air pollution in the city of Lircay, Peru. Rev. Inv. Cs. Agro. y Vet. [online]. 2024, vol.8, n.22, pp.244-255. Epub 20-Jan-2024. ISSN 2664-0902.
Lichens are used as bioindicators to assess atmospheric quality, because they obtain most of their nutrients from the air, they are very sensitive to impurities present in the atmosphere, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide. and heavy metals. With the objective of determining air quality according to the atmospheric purity index by sampling epiphytic lichens in the main green areas of the city of Lircay, based on their richness and diversity of lichens. The study was carried out in the city of Lircay, Huancavelica-Peru, in five areas (Pueblo Viejo, Pampa, Santa Rosa, Bellavista and Virgen del Carmen), which represents an urban area with few or no sources of air pollution. The biodiversity of epiphytic lichens (LE) was determined using the Shannon Wiener Index (ISW) and the Atmospheric Purity Index (IPA) was obtained based on the number of LE species found. The identification of different LE species was carried out by constructing a grid on the tree trunk. A total of 4140 LE were found distributed in 27 species (The most abundant species was Cladoniicola irregularis, with 7.27%, followed by Arthonia microcarpa 5.97 %, Collema nigrescens 5.46%, Roccella caribaea 5.43% and Leptogium phyllocarpum 5.00 %.). In ISW of the biodiversity evaluated, 2.98-3.13 (medium and high) was found, the highest was in zone 1 (Old Town). On the other hand, in IPA a contamination was identified that ranges between 38.9-46.3, which can be considered moderate to transition. It is concluded, in the city of Lircay, a moderate variety of biodiversity has been observed, with a wide range of species. Regarding air quality, slight contamination is recorded, which indicates lower levels of pollution in the city.
Palavras-chave : Air quality; Pollution; Epiphytic lichens; Shannon-Wiener index ISW; Atmospheric purity index IPA.