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Alfa Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinaria

versão On-line ISSN 2664-0902


SANCHEZ, Jeisson David Cabos et al. Production of Biogas and Biofertilizers from lignocellulosic waste in an anaerobic bioreactor. Rev. Inv. Cs. Agro. y Vet. [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.21, pp.583-597.  Epub 25-Set-2023. ISSN 2664-0902.

Biogas, biol and biosol are products generated from the biodegradation of organic wastes by microorganisms in an oxygen-deprived environment. Objective. The objective was to evaluate the production of biogas and bio fertilizers using garden waste from the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Materials and methods. An anaerobic bioreactor of polyvinyl chloride of 5 m3 total volume, 1 m in diameter and 5 m long was used; working at 70%, at 22°C average, for 60 days. The first stage was to quantify the residues and determine the main species according to botanical taxonomy, followed by the quantification of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium using the Kjeldahl method, reactive phosphorus and atomic absorption spectroscopy, respectively. Results. Twelve species were identified, mainly Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze, Aptenia cordifolia and Chenopodium murale L., for their high percentage of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The quantification of N, P and K on day 45 for biol was 242.80, 1.79 and 21.86 ppm and for biosol was 170.40, 1.46 and 17.10 ppm. Conclusions. The best concentrations of N, P and K for the biol and biosol occur on day 45 of the bioprocess and that the average biogas production is 2.42 m3 from day 22. It can be emphasized that this methodology could contribute to the management and utilization of agroindustrial wastes to produce bioproducts demanded in organic agriculture.

Palavras-chave : Biogas; Biofertilizer; Waste; Lignocellulosic; Bioreactor.

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