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Horizontes Revista de Investigación en Ciencias de la Educación

versión impresa ISSN 2616-7964


ROJAS, Claudia Noemi Rivera; JUAREZ, Analy Solange Matos; CHAVEZ, Valentina Sánchez  y  SARAVIA, Paulo Cesar Chiri. Relationship between personality traits, learning styles and their impact on academic performance. Horizontes Rev. Inv. Cs. Edu. [online]. 2024, vol.8, n.34, pp.1495-1506.  Epub 25-Jul-2024. ISSN 2616-7964.

The relationship between personality traits, learning styles, and academic performance is crucial to understanding how these factors affect student success. This study aims to identify the level of influence of personality and learning styles on the academic performance of college students. A quantitative study with causal correlational analysis was conducted using a probability sample of 238 students. The Brief Personality Questionnaire (BPC) and last term grades were used for data collection. The results showed that 61.3% of the students present a personality at a regular level, 53.7% have a learning style at a regular level, and 58.8% obtain an academic performance at a regular level. The conclusions indicate that both personality traits and learning styles significantly influence academic performance, with a 72.4% contribution to student performance.

Palabras clave : Personality; Learning styles; Academic performance; University students.

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