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Horizontes Revista de Investigación en Ciencias de la Educación

versión impresa ISSN 2616-7964


CRUZ, Jorge Luís Rosales et al. Teaching styles and mathematical competencies: a proposal for improvement. Horizontes Rev. Inv. Cs. Edu. [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.31, pp.2333-2344.  Epub 16-Oct-2023. ISSN 2616-7964.

The teaching styles allow optimizing the learning of students so that they can be able to develop competencies, abilities and skills according to the needs established in the educational system. For this reason, the objective of this study is to determine the relationship between teaching styles and mathematical competencies in a public educational institution in the district of Ventanilla. The methodology had a quantitative approach with a non-experimental design and correlational analysis. The sample consisted of 61 students in 4th grade of elementary school. As an instrument, two questionnaires were used, validated by experts, about the variable teaching styles with 4 dimensions, and the variable mathematical competences. As a result of the direct and positive relationship between teaching styles and mathematical competences in the Rho = 0.620, which indicates that a considerable positive level was obtained, presenting a p= 0.000 (very significant). Thus, it was concluded that teachers should consider the learning styles of their students in order to improve mathematical competencies.

Palabras clave : Mathematical competencies; Teaching style; Didactic strategies.

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