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vol.6 número23Gestão institucional e manifestações interculturais nos graduados de um Instituto Tecnológico SuperiorAvaliação de um programa psicomotor em alunos da educação básica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Horizontes Revista de Investigación en Ciencias de la Educación

versão impressa ISSN 2616-7964


CHUAN, Sandy López; FERNANDEZ, Cayo León  e  RODRIGUEZ, Fany Sobero. Framework to promote collaborative e-learning based on technology projects. Horizontes Rev. Inv. Cs. Edu. [online]. 2022, vol.6, n.23, pp.592-603.  Epub 28-Maio-2022. ISSN 2616-7964.

This research proposes a framework made up of good practices in the use of online collaborative tools and in the management of communication in work teams to promote collaborative e-learning. The case study was a course of Systems Engineering at UNMSM, where teams were formed and assigned to manage a project by applying good practices in communication management and collaborative work accompanied by a coaching team.

At the end of the project, three questionnaires were applied to characterise collaborative e-learning, team communication and the use of online collaborative tools. Based on the hypothesis, a moderate positive correlation of 0.479 was obtained between the framework and collaborative e-learning. It is concluded that the development of management, collaborative work and communication skills improve academic quality and reduce the digital divide.

Palavras-chave : Collaborative e-learning; framework; online collaborative tools.

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