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Horizontes Revista de Investigación en Ciencias de la Educación
versión impresa ISSN L:2616-7964versión On-line ISSN 2616-7964
PALATE CHANGO, Jenny Karina y ROSERO MORALES, Elena del Rocío. Educational Resilience: Influence on literacy in children with vulnerability state of GBS, Medium. Horizontes Rev. Inv. Cs. Edu. [online]. 2021, vol.5, n.17, pp.297-310. Epub 30-Mar-2021. ISSN L:2616-7964.
In recent times, the low economic level, the scarce access to health and education under adverse conditions of vulnerability are external factors that hinder the student's ability in education, information processing, analysis, synthesis and reading comprehension capacity, the objectives proposed are; theoretically base educational resilience as an influence on literacy in children with a vulnerable state of GBS. Medium, to determine how educational resilience affects literacy in children and relate educational resilience as an influence on literacy in children in a state of vulnerability, under the modality of qualitative research when describing bibliographic studies in a narrative way; From among the conclusions, it is obtained that for children's literacy processes, optimal school, family and emotional conditions must be presented, even more affected children who, due to biopsychosocial factors, are unstable without educational resilience because they are in vulnerability.
Palabras clave : Resilience; reading writing; teaching vulnerability.