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Revista Investigación y Negocios

versión impresa ISSN 2521-2737


CHUQUILIN DIAZ, Bladimir Antonio; DIAZ SHAPIAMA, Norith Estefany  y  TROYA PALOMINO, David. Organizational justice and commitment of health services employees in Peru. Investigación y Negocios [online]. 2023, vol.16, n.28, pp.141-148. ISSN 2521-2737.

Organizational Justice is the perception of equity and fair treatment in an organization according to decisions and practices, its favorable perception can produce commitment to the organization in employees. This study determined the relationship between organizational justice and the commitment of the collaborators of a government entity dedicated to the management of health services in Peru, this study was developed under a type of basic research, quantitative approach, correlational descriptive level and non-experimental design. There was the participation of 150 collaborators taken from a non-probabilistic sampling, to whom a survey was applied as a method to collect the data. The results found after applying the Rho Spearman statistical analysis indicate an average positive relationship between the variables. It was concluded that the efforts made in the institution in order to promote a good perception of organizational justice, this will be reflected in the organizational commitment of the employees.

Palabras clave : Organizational justice; organizational commitment; organizational goal; enable.

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