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Revista Investigación y Negocios

versión impresa ISSN 2521-2737


BORJA TORRESANO, Sonia Cecilia. U.S. military base in manta and the influence of its installation and withdrawal on the perception of the ecuadorian inhabitants. Investigación y Negocios [online]. 2023, vol.16, n.27, pp.101-110. ISSN 2521-2737.

The theory of international relations studies the different cur- rents of thought that seek to provide a vision of international relations as an integrated discipline within economic and political science. This article analyzes, from said theory, the foreign policy of installation and withdrawal of the US military base in Manta and the way in which it influenced the perception of the Ecuadorian inhabitants. It begins by explaining state sovereignty as a key element of international relations associated with the in- stallation and withdrawal of the aforementioned base; and then it describes the public opinion derived from the signing of the cooperation agreement between Ecuador and the United States on the installation and removal of the Manta military base. It is a research with a qualitative approach, based on the review of bibliographic documents and data provided by the media. To obtain information on public opinion, an unstructured interview was carried out applied to experts in international relations, politics and economics, as well as to professionals in social communication. The results show that the motivation of the United States to install military bases in South American countries was, initially, world security, bilateral support, the fight against terrorism, and the control of drug trafficking, however, general public opinion points towards the fact that the establishment of military bases is related to other selfish interests such as access to natural resources; In addition, according to their perception, it causes violation of human rights and loss of sovereignty.

Palabras clave : U.S. Military Base; Sovereignty; Human Rights; Public Perception; Military Base in Manta.

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