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Revista Investigación y Negocios

versión impresa ISSN 2521-2737


ELIZALDE CHAMBA, Willan Antonio  y  ROJO GUTIERREZ, Marco Antonio. Working conditions of oil sector workers and their impact on the well-being of family life in sucumbíos, Ecuador. Investigación y Negocios [online]. 2023, vol.16, n.27, pp.71-78. ISSN 2521-2737.

The well-being of life of families residing in oil areas may be affected as a result of the working conditions provided to workers. This research aims to analyze the working conditions of workers in the Sucumbíos oil sector and its impact on the well-being of their families. It is a purposeful non-experimental study; with statistical analysis; whose data collection was carried out through surveys and interviews. The results show that the working conditions to which workers and their families are exposed directly affect their physical, emotional and mental health, as well as their economic situation, with wages that do not cover food expenses. In addition, there is a reactive climate and culture, exhausting schedules and days, and social and labor precariousness as a means of slavery. It is concluded that the working conditions of workers in the oil sector strongly influence the well-being of families living in Sucumbíos.

Palabras clave : Working conditions; oil sector workers; family life well-being; precariousness; Sucumbíos-Ecuador.

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