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Revista Investigación y Negocios

versión impresa ISSN 2521-2737


FERNAND DESFRANCOIS, Pierre Gilles. Entrepreneurship and its contribution to the ecuadorian economy. Investigación y Negocios [online]. 2023, vol.16, n.27, pp.25-40. ISSN 2521-2737.

This scientific work addresses the theme related to entre- preneurship and its contribution to the Ecuadorian economy. Ecuador ranks as one of the countries with the highest levels of entrepreneurship, however, it is evident that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is not adequate and does not contribute to facilitating and promoting new businesses in the country. For this research, the main macroeconomic indicators that measure the national business ecosystem and the level of entrepreneurship and in- novation in the country have been taken into account as a reference. The main results show the existence of gaps that prevent entrepreneurship from generating a virtuous circle for economic growth, especially the regulatory framework, access to financing, the degree of innovation and culture and human talent are the main obstacles to promote entrepreneurship and achieve a competitive economy.

Palabras clave : entrepreneurship; innovation; economy; Ecuador.

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