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Revista Investigación y Negocios

versión impresa ISSN 2521-2737


GARNICA ESCALANTE, Roly Abrahan  y  SALAZAR MURILLO, José. Ecological toothpaste using egg shells, banana shells, zapal sedes and aloe vera. Investigación y Negocios [online]. 2021, vol.14, n.24, pp.60-76.  Epub 31-Oct-2021. ISSN 2521-2737.

In this research, a toothpaste has been obtained from egg and banana peels, pumpkin seeds and aloe vera; raw materials that have properties that help to strengthen, clean, whiten and mineralize teeth in a natural way.

The experimental design 23, was used to establish the adequate concentrations of the analyzed factors: humectants, micro-powders and industrial thickener. From the samples obtained, the response variables were determined: density, viscosity, texture, consistency and pH. Finally, the obtained data were analyzed in the statistical software Minitab V19, with the purpose of optimizing the response variables.

The combination with the best results for the adequate dosage of factors of an ecological toothpaste was the following: 67% of humectants (aloe vera, water and glycerin), 22% of dry agents (egg and banana peels and pumpkin seeds) and 11% additives (industrial thickener, coconut butter, menthol and others).

The physicochemical analysis of the final sample reported a high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin C that benefit oral health, the abrasiveness of the product was controlled (size of micro-powders less than 20 microns) guaranteeing its use on the tooth surface. The chemical and microbiological stability was experimentally analyzed, evidencing that the product does not present visible changes during a month subjected to room temperature and in the sensory analysis the flavor, the sensation of freshness and the harmlessness of the product were highlighted at the time of being used.

Palabras clave : Organic matter; ecological toothpaste; oral hygiene; micro-powder; gel..

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