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Revista Investigación y Negocios

versión impresa ISSN 2521-2737


MENDOZA GUTIERREZ, Lorena Frescia  y  LOAIZA TORRES, Jose Santos. Analysis of the commitment and satisfaction of the internal client of UCB Tarija through the structural equations model (SEM). Investigación y Negocios [online]. 2021, vol.14, n.23, pp.77-87.  Epub 30-Jun-2021. ISSN 2521-2737.

In the workplace, there are three important factors that can directly influence the productivity levels of a work team (internal clients) in a given institution: motivation, satisfaction and commitment. An institution may have motivated but dissatisfied and uncommitted internal clients (workers) or, conversely, higher levels of motivation and satisfaction will result in high levels of commitment, and having a highly committed work team will have a very noticeable impact. in the productivity of the institution. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to know the situation of the internal clients of the UCB Tarija, with respect to the levels of motivation, satisfaction and commitment, for which descriptive analyzes, multivariate models (Models of structural equations, SEM-PLS) to understand the studied phenomenon more clearly, obtaining as a result a medium level of motivation-satisfaction, which is mainly having an impact on affective commitment translated into a low feeling of permanence and belonging.

Palabras clave : Engagement; satisfaction; internal customer; external customer; PLS-SEM.

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