Revista Científica de Salud UNITEPC
versão impressa ISSN 2520-9825
FADRAGAS FERNANDEZ, Alejandro. Attention to sexual and reproductive health by the specialist in comprehensive general medicine in the community. Revista UNITEPC [online]. 2023, vol.10, n.1, pp.34-41. Epub 30-Jun-2023. ISSN 2520-9825.
The doctor generates the conditions to preserve physical and mental health through educational practice. One of its most important activities is related to sexual and reproductive health and is, precisely, attention to all groups of people in the community, with whom it can carry out educational activities in the field of sexuality; The objective of the study was to identify the knowledge of specialists in Comprehensive General Medicine for sexual and reproductive health care in the community. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, where from a universe of 191 specialists, a probabilistic sample was calculated, which was made up of 129 analysis units, belonging to the seven polyclinics corresponding to the Manuel Fajardo Faculty of Medical Sciences. A survey previously validated by expert criteria was applied, the results were presented in tables, and the percentage method was used. Results: 61.2% identify the presence of issues related to sexuality in the training program of the specialty as moderately sufficient, and 60.5% are moderately prepared to deal with the issue with patients. 64.3% report that they almost always provide information on the subject, where 48.8% almost never write the activities they perform in the medical history, 62.8% identified that they had low knowledge to guide healthy sexual behaviors. Conclusion: The specialists in Comprehensive General Medicine participating in the study do not have sufficient knowledge to guide sexual and reproductive health in the population they serve.
Palavras-chave : Reproductive Health Services; Unified Health System; Education; Medical; Sex Education..