Revista Científica de Salud UNITEPC
versão impressa ISSN 2520-9825
MAMANI ROSAS, Ana Maria et al. Food and academic performance, a transcendental combination. Revista UNITEPC [online]. 2023, vol.10, n.1, pp.27-33. Epub 30-Jun-2023. ISSN 2520-9825.
Habits are formed mainly during growth, which coincides with schooling; therefore, this stage is transcendental and is the foundation to lay a solid foundation for good health, education, and quality of life; Consequently, the purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between food quality and academic performance in primary school students in the Mariscal Sucre educational unit in the municipality of Sipe Sipe. Methodology: the study was quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional and ambispective, the sample was 229 students, the techniques used were a survey and observation. Results: The quality of the students' food is 12% healthy and the rest needs changes and is unhealthy; the academic performance shows 1.7% deficient and the minimum qualification of approval. The statistical analysis of chi-square, our a correlation of variables. Discussion: The evidence shows the trend that the better the quality of food, the higher the academic performance of the student and, conversely, while the quality of food is unhealthy, the lower the results obtained in the variable of academic performance. Therefore, it is important to modify the quality of food to have a healthier population with good performance in the future and reduce the burden of morbidity due to non-communicable diseases that tend to reduce life expectancy.
Palavras-chave : School Feeding; Food and Nutrition Education; Food Quality; Academic Performance.