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Revista Científica de Salud UNITEPC

versão impressa ISSN 2520-9825


ORELLANA AGUILAR, Maria Lorena; MATOSINHO MORAES, Andreyna; MOTA, Carla Daniela  e  AYAVIRI, Dilean Elfy. Street sellers in Cochabamba: challenge skin cáncer  . Revista UNITEPC [online]. 2020, vol.7, n.2, pp.8-13. ISSN 2520-9825.

Summary Introduction: Skin cancer is a condition where cancer cells form in the skin tissues. Being exposed to sunlight can increase the risk in the skin cancer developing. The study objective is to determine the risk and protection characteristics of street sellers in Cochabamba. Methodology: The work presents a descriptive, transversal, obser-vational and prospective design, which was carried out in the popular markets and commercial streets from Cochabamba. The study population was 277 street sellers. Results: 5.8% report having relatives with skin cancer background, 80.9% indicate having knowledge about excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays generates skin cancer. 28.2% of people use sunscreen and 71.8% do not. The exposure time to ultraviolet rays is; 7.2% indicates less than 4 hours, 38.3% 4 to 5 hours, 0.4% 5 to 6 hours, 49.1 % 6 to 7 and 5.1 % greater than 10 hours. 84.1 % wear suitable protective clothing against ultraviolet rays and 15.9% do not. Discussion: Solar radiation exerts harmful effects on the skin, so that there is a clear relationship between ultraviolet radiation and skin cancer; It can be prevented with education directed at the population about these effects and an active search that allows early detection.

Palavras-chave : Skin Neoplasms; Ultraviolet Rays; Radiation Exposure; Sunscreening Agents (Source: DeCS - Health Sciences Descriptors).

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