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vol.9 número2O meio ambiente subterrâneo, definição e utilidade na mineração do futuro/ underground environment, concept and utility of the future mining Vidal Navarro Torres índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Medio Ambiente y Mineria

versión impresa ISSN 2519-5352


ZAMORA E, Gerardo  y  NINAVIA C, Riorvi Brandon. Estudio técnico y económico de la obtención de ácido fosfórico a partir de roca fosfórica del yacimiento de Capinota - Cochabamba -Bolivia. REV. MAMYM [online]. 2024, vol.9, n.2, pp.37-46. ISSN 2519-5352.

Abstract The technologies for the production of phosphoric acid from mineral resources can be dry or wet. The present work studies the production of phosphoric acid from phosphate rock from the municipality of Capinota - Cochabamba - Bolivia. At present, phosphate rock from this municipality is only marketed as fertilizer to farmers for direct application. In the research, an adequate physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization of a sample of phosphate rock that is marketed was carried out; exploratory tests of the leaching time were performed; then the effect of different leaching parameters was studied, in an open environment, to later develop tests to study the elimination of calcium by means of gypsum precipitation, and finally, the concentration of phosphoric acid by evaporation. The best leaching conditions of the Capinota phosphate rock, considering tests with 100 grams of sample, are:tlixiviacion =1hr, %solids=30, T=75°C and Particle size -200#. The maximum phosphorus extraction obtained was 94.17%. In the calcium elimination stage by precipitation with sulfuric acid at a ratio of 15 ml acid/20ml sample, a precipitation of 1.08 g of gypsum was achieved. Finally, for 50% evaporation, phosphoric acid was obtained with a quality of 81.09%. It is concluded that the project to obtain phosphoric acid from the Capinota phosphate rock is feasible.

Palabras clave : Phosphate rock; phosphoric acid; leaching; precipitation; evaporation; Capinota; Cochabamba.

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