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Revista de Medio Ambiente y Mineria
versión impresa ISSN 2519-5352
ZAMORA ECHENIQUE, Gerardo; GUTIERREZ, Carla y ARRANZ GONZALEZ, Julio César. Metodología para la evaluación de riesgos aplicada al pasivo ambiental minero de Japo en la Subcuenca Poopó para su priorización de remediación ambiental . REV. MAMYM [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.2, pp.43-56. ISSN 2519-5352.
Abstract In the Japo - Santa Fe Mining District of the Poopó sub-basin, located in the Department of Oruro - Bolivia, there is a tailings deposit in Japo, which is a high generator of Acid Rock Drainage, generating a runoff pH of 2.5 and high concentrations of dissolved heavy metals, which drain directly into the watershed of the sector, and eventually reach the Poopó Lake. The objective of this research work is limited to applying the methodology of the Geological Mining Institute of Spain (IGME) to evaluate the risk of the MAP - Japo, based on the information generated in the Oruro Pilot Project, and as a starting point to carry out a scale of prioritization of the MAPs of the sub-basin, for environmental remediation purposes. The results of the investigation show that the risk scenarios for contamination affecting surface water (C1), sediment erosion by water erosion (C4) and mobilization of particulate matter by wind (C3) and their effects on people and the population (C1PO and C4PO) and on the natural environment (C3NA) are very high; in addition to the risk of contamination affecting surface water (C1), groundwater (C2), mobilization of particulate material (C3), erosion of contaminated sediments due to water erosion (C4), in addition to the failure of the dike or outer slope of the sludge dam (FPRE) and its effects on the natural environment (C1NA), (C2NA) and (C4NA), direct contact caused by occasional access (CD), people and the population (C2PO, C4PO and FPREPO), and finally, on the socioeconomic environment (FPRESE), are high. Therefore, based on the risk assessment described above, an "immediate rehabilitation" of the MAP - Japo is required.
Palabras clave : Environmental mining liabilities; risk assessment; Poopó sub-basin; Japo mining liabilities.