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Revista de Medio Ambiente y Mineria
versión impresa ISSN 2519-5352
ZAMORA E, Gerardo et al. Propuesta de aplicación de economía circular en el procesamiento minero-metalúrgico en la pequeña minería - Cooperativa Minera el Porvenir Japo SRL. REV. MAMYM [online]. 2022, vol.7, n.2, pp.26-38. ISSN 2519-5352.
ABSTRACT The Mining Cooperative "PORVENIR JAPO RL", is located in the department of Oruro-Bolivia, corresponding to the Mining Corporation of Bolivia (COMIBOL). It is located in the Province Pantaleón Dalence, Cantón Negro Pabellón, corresponding to the Municipality of Huanuni, within the jurisdiction of the Department of Oruro, approximately 39 [km]. The exploitation of the reserves of the Mining Cooperative "PORVENIR JAPO RL", for many decades has been developed in the context of a linear economy, which has generated: large volumes of highly hazardous waste that have been stored without environmental measures, tailings that have been and are being stored in a dam built without technical criteria that has already fulfilled its useful life; therefore, much of the discharge of tailings is being directly discharged into the river. Therefore, it is essential to develop a proposal for the application of a mining-metallurgical production in the context of a Circular Economy. The purpose of this research work is to develop a technical, economic and environmental proposal, under the Circular Economy model that allows, through an integral management of mining waste generated in the exploitation stage; the treatment of acid waters inside the mine through anoxic limestone drains and precipitation, for its use in mineral processing; the use of tailings from mineral processing, previously desulfurized, as dry cover in the rehabilitation of waste disposal sites; and finally, the re-engineering of the mineral processing plant with greater efficiency in Sn recovery. It has been shown that to rehabilítate the landfill storage sites, an investment of 23.28 $us/m2 is required. On the other hand, an investment of US$1' 173,104.18 is required to implement a limestone anoxic drainage (LAD) treatment plant and a lime slurry reactor to treat the effluent from it, all installed inside the subway operation. In addition, US$2,922,200.00 to implement a new 60 tpd treatment plant to achieve higher Sn recovery and opérate with the treated acid waters inside the mine.
Palabras clave : Circular Economy in Mining; Environmental closure; Use of tailings in dry coverings.