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Revista de Medio Ambiente y Mineria
versión impresa ISSN 2519-5352
MATA P., Josep; ZAMORA E., Gerardo y SERRANO B., Carlos. Riesgos de estabilidad física en el cerro rico de potosí, patrimonio cultural de la humanidad. REV. MAMYM [online]. 2019, vol.4, n.1, pp.43-54. ISSN 2519-5352.
Abstract Cerro Rico de Potosí, Cultural Heritage of Humanity, has been and is one of the most important mining sites in the world. More than five hundred years of exploitation have generated work for the inhabitants of that city, whose existence would be difficult to understand without the mining activity. However, this exploitation in recent decades, increasingly oriented to cooperative mining minifundismo and without technological orientation, has been generating a notable increase in the "physical instability of the hill"; what has increased, the insecurity of the own mining works that are developed inside; mining pollution due to improper disposal of mining waste; and the very heritage it represents. The research work presented aims, from the abundantly developed technical information, to study the stability and risk of Cerro Rico de Potosí, both in terms of morphological and deformation variations; the stability of the hill itself and those of its surroundings; and especially, in the highest areas where enormous subsidence has been associated with intense mining activity. The final conclusions derive from the fact that mining activity must be continued within the framework of safeguarding the human rights of workers and their families; however, also safeguarding: the safety in the extraction operations with a need for an important technical component, the historical heritage and the environment.
Palabras clave : Cerro rico Potosí; Risks; Stability.