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Revista de Medio Ambiente y Mineria
versión impresa ISSN 2519-5352
ZAMORA ECHENIQUE, Gerardo; LANZA FERRUFINO, Julio y ARRANZ GONZALEZ, Julio. Metodología para la identificación y evaluación de riesgos de pasivos ambientales mineros con fines de priorización para su remediación . REV. MAMYM [online]. 2018, n.5, pp.31-43. ISSN 2519-5352.
Summary As a consequence of the mining and mining-industrial activity, in most of the countries there were numerous mines and installations in a state of neglect without many of them having undergone an adequate process of closure; which has meant that, at present, there are numerous places where risk scenarios for the safety and health of people and for the environment are presented. Bolivia, is characterized by presenting a series of spaces in which mining activities were developed and which to date are constituted in abandoned mining sites; This situation has been demonstrated by the SERGEOTECMIN within the framework of the Environmental Passive Inventory project, where 71,11% of the total of 870 mines visited were abandoned, without a Closure and Rehabilitation Plan. To date, there is no methodology to carry out an adequate identification; characterization and, in addition, an evaluation of the risk for the health and safety of the population, for biodiversity and for the environment that said environmental liabilities represent. Therefore, the objective of the research work is limited to proposing a proposal for a Methodology for the Identification, Characterization and Evaluation of Risk of Mining Environmental Liabilities (PAM) with Priority Purposes for its Remediation. From the filling of the "inventory-file", which allows the identification of the PAM; and the filling of a "matrix of qualitative assignment of the Probability of Occurrence of the Event vs. the Severity of the Consequence for each PAM" proposed, the MAP risks can be evaluated for the health and safety of the population and for the environment; and thus, generate the "ranking of prioritization of mitigation measures to be implemented" to establish priority actions for remediation in those cases in which the PAM generates significant impacts. The proposed methodologies have been applied as Case Study to the PAM of the Milluni mining site; demonstrating that this requires "immediate mitigation measures" because it generates a potential risk to the health and safety of the population, to biodiversity and to the environment.
Palabras clave : Identification; evaluation; of Risks.